Date: Sunday, March 1, 2020
Time: 9 am – 1 pm
Location: Nine Star University for Health Sciences, 441 DeGuigne Dr, Sunnyvale, CA
Register by Feb. 22: https://forms.gle/EeiHMvaAe3oJq46SA
What is Yi Jin Jing?
Some call Yi Jin Jing (易筋经) “the secret of youth”. Translated as “Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Qigong”, or literally as “The Tendon-Transformation Canon”, Yi Jin Jing is an ancient qigong exercise most often associated with the Shaolin monks, who practice it as part of their martial art training and a way to prepare the body for long periods of sitting meditation. In fact, over its 1500 to 2000 years of history, Yi Jin Jing has been practiced by Buddhist monks, Daoist adepts, martial artists, as well as laypersons interested in qigong for health and/or spiritual purposes. Its focus on turning and flexing the spine and extending the limbs helps improve flexibility, balance and muscular strength, invigorate internal organs by engaging the 12 principal meridians, and enhance overall fitness and immunity.
What does this workshop cover?
In this workshop, Master Yan Li will teach a twelve-section contemporary compilation of Yi Jin Jing routine which features soft, even and extended movements. This routine combines Buddhist, Daoist, and Chinese Medicinal traditions and emphasizes health benefits. All movements are adaptable to learners of all levels and abilities. The goal of the workshop is to enable participants to use Yi Jin Jing as a 15-minute daily routine for better and holistic health and fitness.“Long Tendons, Long Life!”
This workshop also features a special guest, “Maqician” Dr. Kevin Yen. Dr. Yen is a licensed acupuncturist specializing in spinal diagnostics, Dung’s acupuncture, holographic acupuncture, and qi-nutrition. He uses his unique qi sensing technique and Tai-Qi acupuncture/acupressure technique to detect and smooth out qi blockages. Dr. Yen will be providing qi consultation to help participants customize their Yi Jin Jing routine for targeted health benefits.
Register by Feb. 22: https://forms.gle/EeiHMvaAe3oJq46SA
Fee: $70 if paid by Feb. 22; $80 at door. PayPal/cash/check (see instructions on registration form).
Fee covers:
– Workshop on March 1, 2020;
– Weekly follow-up emails with tips, practice guides, and Q&A for 7 weeks after the workshop;
– Free admission to Yi Jin Jing workshops taught by Master Yan Li within one year (by Feb. 28, 2021).